

Built with : React JS, Node JS, Websockets (native), Material UI


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Building an real-time chat app without using socket io or any third party libraries to get familiar with native websockets.


As i was using native websockets , i had some limitations. Like using the native websockets on browser. So, the browsers websocket code and syntax are not much similar to backends code and syntax. But that was not a problem. I created and connected both ends together. Now, active status, broadcasting messages. to each users can be possible.


Tech Solution Used

As for frontend part I have used React JS, backend was being built with node and express js. Websockets were used for realtime chatting and to store chat history i have used mongodb as Blink's database service.


This project was enough to get overview about any realtime chat application. It works on realtime. But to say it in advance a project that just stores data on just emitting can not be a real time application. As higher throughput need for such realtime tasks. And in production KAFKA service are used for this type of chat application. But this was just a educational project. And I will soon bring project on KAFKA also. So, indeed it was a great experience working on this project.