Built with : Next JS, MongoDB Atlas, Node JS, Crypto, Material UI, Clerk JS Tailwind CSS
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I got so many accounts in so many different places. Remembering these account and their credentials was becoming a hassle. Also, saving data to any third party password savers doesn't made sense because of securiy concerns. So , i had to figure out a of saving and also securing my account
So, regarding this critical scenerio, i as always figured a great way out. That was saving my data to a hashed format in our database. And when user signed in only he can see his data but The idea was simple , what i had to take is just some steps regarding storing the data into our database. The flow of storing hased data goes something like this :
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Though the idea was great & simple but the steps and process was not that easy. So, it had to be custom web app. And regarding that purpose i choose Next JS for frontend develepoment as it gives smooth and easy way to getting start with such this project and use node js as things were needed to be done on advanced hand. Clerk JS was used for authentication and authorization Material UI was also used to use its great user friendly components. And later that tailwind was used for getting design and develepoment faster.
After finishing this project that much more look like a saas to be honest, it helped me a way a lot. Now , i don't have to think again to store my passwords because marcos made it so much easy and friendly.
After finishing this project, i got to know about many new concepts. I faced lots of problems like about hashing and sorting data but i was able to fix those things and learnt from them. Overall, it was a great experience to built Marcos